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专家门诊: 电 话:010-53968000


  个人简介: 主治医师,医学博士, 2019年毕业于北京协和医学院整形外科医院。硕士博士期间主要从事唇鼻部肌肉三维结构重建及口周神经、血管分布特点的基础研究。临床长期参与的主要工作有:1. 口周外伤及外伤后继发畸形处理; 2. 口周肿物(色素痣、血管瘤等)的切除;3. 各类体表肿物的手术治疗;4.口周各类先天畸形修复(唇腭裂、大口畸形等);5.口周整形美容手术(红唇、人中、口角形态的调整),露龈笑治疗及微笑唇的手术治疗; 6. 口周年轻化的相关治疗(肉毒素注射及脂肪、透明质酸钠填充等)。积累了丰富的临床经验,发表多篇SCI及核心期刊学术论文,多次参与学术会议并报告发言。

  1,Sun M, Chen GC, Wang YQ, et al. Anatomical Characterization and Three-Dimensional Modeling of the Muscles at the Corner of the Mouth: An Iodine Staining Technique Based on Micro-Computed Tomography. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2018;142(3):782-785.
  2. Sun M, Yin NB. Reply: Anatomical Characterization and Three-Dimensional Modeling of the Muscles at the Corner of the Mouth: An Iodine Staining Technique Based on Micro-Computed Tomography. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2019;144(2):332e-333e.
  3. Sun M, Wang YQ, Li HD, Wu D, Yin NB, Song T. "Three Subunit" Classification of Lesser-Form Cleft Lip and Muscle Analysis and Reconstruction of These Subunits Based on the Microanatomic Structures of Muscles in the Normal Upper Lip. J Craniofac Surg. 2019;30(6):1790-1793.
